About Simply Clear Coaching and your Coach David Williams

About Simply Clear Coaching
Simply Clear Coaching was born through a deep desire to provide one to one Coaching, courses and Training for individuals and organisations to gain mastery of mind and emotions. Giving people the tools and knowledge live a life of fulfilment and potential beyond fear and the limiting beliefs that can hold us back. It is the result of nearly 20 years of deep diving into the world of psychology and experience as a therapist in NHS mental health services and private work.
About David Williams
I am David Williams and your resilience, happiness and success is my mission, delivered with the values of integrity, kindness and growth. My passion is seeing you find that self-belief and achieve the life of your dreams through simple, clear and effective tools.
I hold a BSc hons in Occupational Therapy, am an accredited NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer with the Society of NLP and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner. Within my work I use mindfulness, trance work and tools to shift beliefs on a deep subconscious level, discover who you are and provide accountability to get you the results you want in this one wild and precious life.
NLP Training
As well as working with individuals through one to one coaching and powerful, impactful courses I offer Accredited Neuro Linguistic programming (NLP) Giving you the complete user manual for the mind, powerful communication and leadership skills and a tool belt of rapid change techniques for more impact. NLP empowers you and whoever your work with to be the best them. If you are interested in learning more about NLP you can visit NLPClub.co.uk HERE
Working with David
The relationship with a coach is a special one. It is deep and authentic, and knowing someone is completely on your side without bias makes powerful and permanent change a reality. I can help you discover emotional freedom, clarity and a life of fulfilment. If you know that it is time to change, if you are fed up with getting in your own way or living by others rules , then I would love to speak with you. A new life awaits! You can read more about working with me one to one HERE
Organisation resilience and leadership
I work with organisations and schools towards emotionally resilient, productive and empowered environments. I also train management to lead and inspire their teams for big impact. I provide emotional resilience training for staff (Click HERE), leadership training for management (Click HERE) and mental wellbeing training for school students (Click HERE). If your organisation cares about staff wellbeing and performance and want to nurture a healthy working environment I would love to speak with you and formulate a plan for a better future for your organisation.